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How Do I View File:// Images From Http://localhost Served Pages In Firefox 11?

I've got a server running on my localhost machine (port 8080) that is trying to create IMG tags to local files. But, the files do not appear in Firefox 11. I was originally create

Solution 1:


If it's a server on 8080, you shouldn't be using file:// -- It's not a file. It should be http://localhost:8080/blah. I don't think it works this way, but the second (if it should work) would be file://localhost/c:/* - note the number of slashes. And the line above has an additional // where it should be /


Now that makes sense, though for that you'll be limited in the ability to access it because of the security restrictions.

user_pref("capability.policy.localfilelinks.sites", "localhost:8080");

That (probably) should work the the file:///c:/* stuff if the page is loaded from http://localhost:8080/*.

  • use http://localhost:8080/* - probably the best solution
  • Use a folder and make it all soft or hardlinks to the actual files to minimize disk usage and update issues.
  • Use a folder and synchronize using any one of a myriad of tools (rsync, etc)

Solution 2:

  1. make a new folder inside ur website 2 copy all the data in the new folder 3.then provide the link to that folder.

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